Avenue Victor Tesch 53, 6700, Arlon, Belgium
+32 63 22 60 74
What is 4D liposculpture​
Liposculpture is a liposuction procedure that combines state-of-the-art technology with modern surgical techniques to achieve a more attractive and harmonious body contour.
4D liposculpture (Body-jet, WAL, Water-Assisted Liposuction) is a modern liposculpture technique which makes this type of procedure safer, faster and gives spectacular results.
How is a 4D liposculpture performed?
Dr. Buzea uses the latest liposuction technology – Body-Jet. The Body-Jet device was especially designed for 4D liposculpture, that is gentle but very efficient liposuction assisted by water.
The tissues as gently hydro dissected so intact fat cells can be harvested at the time while the device prepares the harvested fat fir lipofilling in a special fat container, LipoCollector. As a result, the fat can be immediately transferred in the desired areas.
The surgery takes between 1 and 3 hours and it can be combined with other procedures such as lipofilling, abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty etc.
When is liposculpture recommended?
If you some unsightly fat deposits even though you have a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, then you may need a liposculpture procedure. You should however mind that liposculpture is not a weight loss method.
What happens after surgery?
After surgery you will have to wear a compressive garment for about 4 to 6 weeks. Daily activities can be resumed as soon as the third postoperative day. You also need to book some professional lymphatic drainage massage sessions.
The results of liposculpture are long lasting.
Since most of the details about the surgery (what it means, how to prepare for the operation, what type of anesthesia will be used, what the recovery implies etc.) must be discussed face to face, doctor Buzea can offer you a personalized consultation. This way, you can have a better understanding of both the risks and benefits of such an intervention, taking into account your wishes as well as your unique anatomical characteristics. Book an appointment now!
The full range of surgical and non-surgical procedures offered by Dr. Cezar Buzea can be found here.
If the procedure you are looking for is not on the list or you are not sure what kind of procedure is best suited for your concern, Dr. Buzea is available here to answer your questions.